#come out to socialize
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grimgrinningghost456 · 4 months ago
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Sooooo Adam is a bear. Thats it. Thats the post
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m4g0rtz · 1 year ago
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Today's polish is back in my happy place: banana pants bright and shiny blues. 😂🩵 This is one of those shimmers that almost has a metallic look to it. So it is super reflective in the sun and glowy in the shade. It's not very shifty, but at certain angles the blue deepens beautifully. This is Come Out to Socialize from Polished for Days.
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grimgrinningghost456 · 3 months ago
Nicknames (or names he slaps on due to a failing memory) bestowed by ✨the (short) King of Hell✨ to friends, family, enemies, and every complicated algorithm in between.
Basic Nicknames For Alastor📻🦌🔪🩸: Bellhop (he uses this in mean spirit and for a petname in any radioapple scenario), bastard, Bambi, Rudolf, Rot-Stain, Albert, and when he’s less detail-oriented or descriptive *Any mean-spirited adjective*-Deer.
Pet-names for the deer include(for all my radio-apple shippers): bellhop (still), Honey, sweetheart, Jackass, Radio-Man, Deer-man, My Hart, Love, Deerest, Darling, Buck, Murder-Mcgee, Murdeer, and My emotional Support cannibalistic Deer-Man. He’ll drop classic terms of “endeerment” in French for Alastor as well. More of the gushy stuff is for those fluffy deer ears to hear in private.
Parental pet names for Charlie: Charchar (it stuck), Duckling, Seedling, Cherub, My spawn, Honey, Kiddo, Appleseed, My Life, Spawnling, Sweetheart, Stardust, Starlight, Starling (lots of star references) baby, and maybe on occasion (when he gets overexcited and lacks social cues) Bitch.
Pet-names For Lilith: Lilly (most often used for casual conversations), My Queen, My life, my Light, My everything, my heart, (anything with the word “my” in it tends to have a follow up or a starting of Luci asserting Lilith’s claim on him. For example: “I am your Light and you are my Everything”) Darling, (once again) Honey, My wife, and Beloved.
What Luci calls her after the split: My (Lost) Love, My (ex) Wife, Lilly, My (ex) Queen, Her, The former Queen of Hell.
(Lots of the parenthesis are here as he never says it outright, but it’s easy to make that conclusion via reading between the lines)
Names for Adam: He-who-is-allergic-to-women’s-carnal-enjoyment, Dickhead, Tubby, A-Dam(with beavers). Asshole, Buddy, friend, Man, pigeon, Bird, Bird-Man
Pet-Names for Adam (for my Addamsapple enjoyers): Addy, Handsome, My First love, Apple, Lamb, Duckie, Honey, Dear, Baby, Sweetie, Sweetheart, Love, DickMaster (VERY Rare. For bedroom-related reasons) RIBS. ( very much used all the time in casual conversation. If Adam isn’t referred to as ribs, he assumes he did a bad)
I will continue to add more characters and nicknames as I think of them. By all means add on. Ideas! Gimme gimme! Yes there are repeats, this is because some of these nicknames or terms of endearment are used for any given occasion. Whether genuine or mean-spirited (such as honey and dear)
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grimgrinningghost456 · 26 days ago
New series guys. Are you ready?
✨Odyssey Oddities✨
Odysseus: right. We’ve won our war. Time to make our odyssey back home
Ajax: Captain, whats an Odyssey?
Odysseus: Oh, you know. A long journey that focuses on the soul survivor.
Eurylochus: …..Can it be called the Eurylodessy?
Odysseus: Eurylochus that’s most stupid idea you’ve had. Absolutely not.
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grimgrinningghost456 · 4 months ago
✨Random headcanons that popped into my head, Hazbin hotel edition✨
This will include ships I ship, random things I feel like a character has/does/likes, and perhaps a new flavor of husband shenanigans. As you know I’m a multi-shipper in two senses: I like multiple ships for multiple characters, and I like multiple ships that has one half of the couple being the same throughout variations. Without further ado, here we go!
Starting off strong with the Big man of hell himself, Luci
Lucifer💫🐥🐍🍎: like most fandoms, I tend to have Luci enjoy sweets and have a special fondness for apples. I personally feel the Morningstar crest being apple-inclusive was Lilith’s idea, as Lucifer was depressed and she wanted to give Heaven a middle finger. Apples are both a nostalgic and bittersweet thing for Luci, but he can’t help but to continue in the indulgence. I’d imagine Lucifer would have a smoked-apple kind of scent about him, whether that’s from product or natural musk/energy depends on my mood. I also think that he was always a shape-shifter, and a lot of his forms were inspiration for creatures that would dwell on earth, as Lucifer was the favorite. I also think that fish and snake scales, fawn-spots, fireflies, bioluminescence, and flowers having scent was all Lucifer’s doing; although they were altered. He wanted the animals on earth to sparkle and be full of life, but was ultimately brought down, and “appeased” with similar. But entirely different outcomes. I truly believe that on top of short kings depression, he has PTSD, ADHD, and Autism on top of it. Once again, I don’t always stack that on him, but meh. I also have Lucifer in a constant glamour, hiding extensive damage from the fall, which only Belphagore, who cares for his medical needs, has seen. Usually for a ship his paramour gets to see eventually for plot. He has arthritis and does actually need to utilize his cane as a cane, but hates it. Hes socially awkward as everyone knows. Luci does have a royal guard to defend his palace and hellborns who live in pride, as they’re not sinners and therefore shouldn’t be exterminated. He can go full devil and definitely has done what some legends depict the devil of doing. Hes not proud of it, but it is what it is. This boi can be touch-averse due to trauma, but with his self-loathing and depression I believe it’d take a lot for him to voice that fact. I also don’t have Lucifer and Charlie’s relationship quite so distant as in canon. It’s still somewhat estranged, but Lucifer was helping her with the big changes. Such as moving into the hotel, and Vaggie. Which I’ll get into later.
Moving on, we have the Deerman!
Alastor📻🦌🔪: Alastor tends to represent non-sex repulsed in my version of him, but every once in a while I adjust where he is on the Ace and sometimes aromantic spectrum. I have Al as a man who has Antisocial disorder, so romance and interacting with others is as much of a mystery to him as it is to interact with the shady deerman himself. I bounce between Alastor’s hygiene being really good or really bad. Partly because of information from Viv, and partly due to the time period Alastor lived and died in. I tend to really lean heavily into his Cajun upbringing. This means that my Depiction of Alastor has a coming-and-going cajun accent that will slip out on the occasion he forgets to keep the Transatlantic accent going. Usually like when he wakes up first thing in the morning or when he has a moment of snapping emotionally. His mama bounces between being in hell and in heaven. The identity of who his birth father is, also bounces around. Once again, like basic fandom who add Alastor’s childhood into the story, I have his Mother as a POC, while his father is a white man who tends to be the toxic ticking time-bomb that starts Alastor’s decent into murder, madness and mayhem. I’m a big radioapple shipper and a big radio-silence enjoyer as well. So looking into a “well into the relationship” scenario in which the deer and the short king are dating, Cajun comfort food is a must when the little devil is having a day where he can’t make himself get out of bed. Still touch-averse, and in any relationship he’s in (whether romantic or QPR) he usually is quick to figure out a system to have his partner silently ask permission to give some form of touch or affection.
Once again, moving on! We’ll do the Princess of hell, Charlotte Charlie Morningstar!
Charlie🎆🌈💖🐐: I actually try to tone Charlie WAY down as far as the Disney Princess behavior she has in canon. (Dont hate on me, but I found her character VERY hard to swallow. I get she was sheltered being royalty and all but with a depressed father and a mother trying to raise an army against Heaven, I just don’t think she’d be so ditzy and gullible towards overlords and other demons. I also was very annoyed that showing authority with her role of future ruler was seen as “mean”) So I think she still has that bubbly and positive attitude, but is much more observant and guarded when Alastor first comes to visit. I also have Charlie lean more into her abilities as heir and as a Nephilim to deal with threats such as Valentino. Yes, Angel Dust was still pissed about Charlie bursting into the studio, but I’ve decided there was more of a serious confrontation before Charlie felt guilt for her actions of butting in. She’s a lot more confident in her skills as far as knowing how to lead, but struggles in getting people to listen to her, much like in canon. The difference is that she chooses to have a more down to earth description of how to try and redeem sinners. All-and all she’s more organized, a little less oblivious, and more fierce when she needs to be. She actually knew about Vaggie being an angel when she found her in the alleyway. The wings being ripped off was a give-away along with the gold blood. So she took Vaggie to Lucifer, who helped Vaggie recover and had her join the royal guard.
Okay. Final character for this group, but not for tonight, Vagi-I mean Vaggie!
Vaggie⚔️🌈🪽: For Vaggie I don’t actually have too much different from her personality in canon compared to the others. I think we’ll get more from her in season 2 now that the big angel secret is out of the way. Speaking of which, that’s my biggest change. When Charlie found Vaggie, it was immediately obvious that the woman was a fallen angel. So she was healed and helped into recovery by Lucifer and Charlie before joining Hell’s Royal guard and quickly raising up to be pretty high in rank. Lucifer assigned her to protect Charlie during the redemption project. She fell first but Charlie fell harder. I headcanon these two to be engaged during the events of the hazbin hotel, so Vaggie is technically an official member of the Morningstar family tree. She also has some self loathing, PTSD, and deals with minor intrusive thoughts. She struggles to stamp out any holier than thou emotions and judgements she learned and retained during her time with Adam’s army. She also has a hard time being casual which she bonds with Lucifer over. She secretly has always wanted to dye her hair pinks but will die before admitting it to anyone. Has a bit of a sweet tooth, hates most men, and rock as it gives her Flashbacks of Adam being Adam.
That’s pretty much it for these characters!
@bendy-n-stuff helped and made some of these ideas with me about these characters. So if I forgot anything, or if you want to add anything on, have at it, girlfriend.
As always questions, comments, and thoughts are appreciated. I love discussions and debates as long as we’re polite and respectful of each others opinions!
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grimgrinningghost456 · 3 months ago
✨Funny thing I’ve been thinking about due to the newest Lore drop of Satan lying behind Luci’s back✨
(Technically spoilers? In reference to a spoiler? Those who haven’t seen Mastermind beware)
*Satan and Luci having an argument with laws after Lucifer’s return*
Luci: That’s it. I’m leaving. I’m not dropping this, but you’re clearly too pissy to think straight. *turn to leave*
Satan: *Blocking Lucifer’s path to the exit with a foot* Now hold on a damn minute, Im the law, I’M the one in charge-
Luci: *”gently” kicks Satan’s foot out of his way, promptly Sending the big dragon-boi onto his back*
Satan: OHSHIT! *Thunk* fuck…
Luci: *walking to the door, giving a big shit-eating smile* Just going to lay there? I thought you were the man in charge.
Satan: oh fuck off.
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grimgrinningghost456 · 1 year ago
Anyone else gonna comment on Alastor’s giant ass demon form?
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I mean. No one else we see in Hellaverse has these forms except, oh, you know, demon hierarchy such as 
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And also Stolas.
Anyone else having thoughts? Or questions? Or like anything else?
@bendy-n-stuff thoughts?
Calling out to anyone who has thoughts I’ve been braining over this so hard
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grimgrinningghost456 · 9 months ago
Name your 5 top ships for the show you are currently obsessed with and send this message to 10 last people that interacted with your posts.
Hey, @lucifer-imaginaryfriend sorry for the late reply.
My top five ships for Hellaverse that I enjoy are:
1) Radioapple/appleradio/duckiedeer
Started as a crack-ship, then I found content that treated it seriously that I really enjoyed. I don’t know if I want it to be canon, but I like the different flavors of Luci and Al as a couple whether it be QPR or Romantic.
2) Staticmoth/VoxVal
I just think these two are a match made in hell. I dont know if they love each other or not but it’s funny to see them interact in positive and negative ways
3) SilentBroadcast/Onewayradio/RadioSilence
I just love the whole “ Vox is gay for Alastor and deer noped out ASAP” throw radioapple ship in there and my joy increases.
4) Stolitz/Stolas x Blitzø
I don’t think I need to explain this one
5) Huskerdust/Husker x Angel Dust.
Once again, I don’t really think I need an explanation for this one.
(Other ships I enjoy is QPR radiorose on occasion as well as Staticapple as a crackship.)
@bendy-n-stuff I choose you. I think we align for a good chunk of these but I’m curious 👀👀👀
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grimgrinningghost456 · 1 year ago
*waves handkerchief* Be free, majestic creatures!
“bear with me” you say. we both turn into bears and escape into the woods
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grimgrinningghost456 · 6 months ago
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Radioapple nation come get y’all’s food.
I’m not on twitter but I decided to join the kissing train anyways. No im not drawing all the eyes on my Lucis wings my hand hurts :)
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grimgrinningghost456 · 4 months ago
✨Random headcanons that popped into my head, Hazbin hotel edition✨: Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
So today I decided to do the Eden trio and perhaps either Lute or Michael. I’ll decide for which angel when I get to the last person. Anyways, here we go!
Starting off with the literal man, the myth, the legend, the dick-master himself, Adam.
Adam🌿🍎🎸🪽: So Adam bounces around as far as roles go for me. I enjoy the idea of past Adamsapple/Guitarduck for an extra spot of angst. I kinda have Adam with the same loud and lewd attitude by the time he’s the head of Heavens army, but I gave him a little extra oomph. I headcanon that Adam has some ADHD and can’t sit still for two seconds and also can’t stop talking either. (Lucifer found it adorable when he and Adam first met) Lucifer was Adam’s pansexual awakening. While sometimes i feel like legit villain Adam is a toxic straight kinda guy, my take of a more morally grey burnt out Adam who fakes it till he makes it as a literal dick master. If it f*cks and it’s not somewhat morally ambiguous as far as what kinda creature it is, (demons, angels, (monsters?)) he probably has, will have, and will continue to have said person or creature race in his bed. He’s not really picky. He was actually in a polycule with Eve, Lilith, and Lucifer before shit hit the fan. It was nice but there were times where someone would fight the other to get a partner’s attention (mostly occurred between the humans trying to get Luci to pay attention to their little creative projects) Adam is a bear. You’ve seen my post, said post is true for my depiction of Adam and I’ll die on that hill. Usually he calls Lucifer as Helel, which was Lucifer’s name before the fall. The reason why he continues to call Lucifer by his original name bounces between, disrespect, spite, nostalgia, respect, (yes, he bounces between respecting and not respecting Luci) hatred, and love. It’s very confusing and Adam doesn’t wanna think about it. Sinner!Adam in my take is a goat-like sinner, but has some snake attributes such as a forked tongue, scales, and more personal additions I’ll let you freaks imagine. He is a little self conscious of the weight he gained over the millennia, but he gained the weight from the stress of hiding the exterminations. The older he gets the less he cares. Adam was actually allergic apples and pork when he was alive. It was an unsaid punishment after Eden. Now that he’s dead he can indulge and he DOES. I’ll end this with saying Adam either doesn’t know how, or physically can’t tuck his wings. So he has to apply deodorant onto them where they support his armpits or his wings reek. Especially after rock performances.
Now going onto technically the next two, the mother of earth, the root of all evil, Eve. (For this one, any headcanons and details on Eve will be green, her manifestation as Roo will be red. Please ignore the Christmas vibes :) )
Eve🌿🍎🌸🌼/Roo🍎🥀🔪🖤: So with Eve, I see her as a very shy woman. She still loves Lucifer, having been infatuated enough with the man to bite the apple. She has resentment towards Adam for sending Luci and Lilith to Hell, and she does have guilt for being the replacement for the first woman of humanity, so she sought Lucifer and Lilith out and became involved. Adam was involved as well before he felt betrayed. She loves to plant and actually has a good talent for making medicine from herbs while Adam took to hunting easily. This connection does bleed into the idea of hunters and gatherers for early existing humans. Eve is allergic to be stings after being kicked out from Eden. She could never really hate Adam but does hate the turn he’s taken personality wise. Roo absolutely hates Adam. She’s not a split personality of Eve so much as she’s the corruption that took over. She was always there in the back of eves mind, but their personalities and thoughts merged after Death. She still has an infatuation concerning Lucifer but it gets into the concerning side of things after rotting in hell. Potentially Charlie’s biological sire, not Lilith. She resents Lilith for her active role as Queen and movements against Heaven, resents Lucifer a tad for not making her his Queen, and hates Adam for blaming the apple thing on her. She proceeded to try to force feed him an apple so he’d go into epileptic shock. There was mixed results.
Ok, moving onto the Queen of hell and Lucifer’s top, Lilith Morningstar!
Lilith🍎🐍🐐🌙: Lilith never really hated Adam but the man would never let her top. Lucifer let her top all the time so that’s a plus right off the bat. I bounce between Lilith being an evil bitch who left Lucifer and Charlie, purposefully driving a wedge into a family, Lilith being head over heels for Luci and leaving to protect her family and hell from Adam and his girls, and being a sort-of friend with Luci who understands their love died long ago, but sees no point in having beef. And we have the version with radioapple in progress when she gets back. I do have the idea that Lilith has Alastor’s soul, so whether she has a positive or negative reaction to Al dating or being married to or screwing Luci, shit hits the fan regardless. Lilith is cold and calculating when she needs to be as well as promiscuous. She and Luci typically have an open relationships in the plots in which they’re still married but has a multiship going. Any version of an open relationship with Luci and Lilith is healthy and supportive in my book. She is actually Charlie’s dad (or is she?) on technicality. Luci carried Charlie. No matter what role Lilith is when she gets back to hell (villain, anti heroine, good guy, morally grey guy) she always wants to drag Luci to bed. Because she hasn’t seen her bottom in 7 years. Deer doesn’t appreciate this. (Luci may or may not appreciate it)
Anyways that’s all I got, I’m going to add an angel to this post but you can decide who
As always questions, comments, and thoughts are appreciated. I love discussions and debates as long as we’re polite and respectful of each others opinions!
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grimgrinningghost456 · 6 months ago
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Behold! Radioapple fan kids of my own! Twins! On the Left we have Eden, on the right Allen. Eden is a Daddy’s girl (Alastor) while Allen is equally affectionate to each parent. Each adore Charlie but Allen seems more taken with the idea of redemption. Yes there is a demon Adam here and yes he’s the babysitter. Part of a deal he made with Luci for safety and shelter. An adult form of these fawns as well as a “butler” demon Adam will hopefully drop soon :) feel free to ask any questions or give critiques
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grimgrinningghost456 · 6 months ago
Your trademark is always shooting yourself in the foot with complex character designs. It looks super cool, but man your hand
Correct! On a WIP that definitely contributes to that.
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Here’s an example tho!
King of hell Alastor au with bouts of problematic radioapple and a fawn!charlie! Luci’s dress and Al’s all around design hurts my hand. Will never redraws these designs unless I have the ultimate inspiration to
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grimgrinningghost456 · 6 months ago
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Here’s another Archangel design this time starring Michael!
I know lots of people want Luci and Mike to be twins, but I’m not on that train! To each their own I suppose. Michael is the main creator of the Exorcists, he’s the one the physically manifested them (with Adam’s help.) I don’t ship Michael and Adam as one of my first ships but I am a Big Adam x Lucifer. So in my “world” of Hazbin, Adam latched onto Mike as a subconscious way to hold onto his lost friendship (or love) with Luci. Adam likes to joke that the exorcist are his and Michael’s kids. Mike strongly dislikes Adam, and hates when Adam sticks his nose into his business in general. He decides said Adam is Sera’s problem. The claw mark on his face is from Lucifer’s fall. I may or may not drop an another Lucifer post fall as I headcanon he has a glamour to hide his injuries. You’re not the first fallen angel to fall and walk away without any permanent physical damage other than the simple demonic corruption of your form :)
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grimgrinningghost456 · 1 year ago
Calling out to my fellow vamp fans
Tagging @dross-the-fish , @argyleheir , @bendy-n-stuff , and @0nelittlebirdtoldme
If you don’t want to participate no big deal
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grimgrinningghost456 · 4 months ago
A totally accurate WIP summery of the Vampire Hunter Harkula fic I’m working on:
Dracula: You’re OBSESSED with me
Johnny: *reading a book, paying him no mind* no I’m not
Drac: yes you are.
Johnny: no I’m not. *flips page, nonchalant*
Drac: Yes you are! Name one person that drives you as crazy as I do
Johnny: Camilla
Drac: psh!
Johnny: Van Helsing.
Drac; Van Helsing isn’t a bad guy.
Johnny: I’m not currently hunting “a” bad guy. I have multiple hunts in progress.
Drac: Wha-
Johnny: get over yourself, damn.
@0nelittlebirdtoldme @argyleheir figured you’d appreciate my tomfoolery
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